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Wake Up to Better Sleep: A Guide to Sleep Apnea

By Dr. Maria Swetech

sleep apnea

As mentioned in my previous blog post about sleep, getting quality rest is essential for overall well-being. However, one common sleep disorder that can significantly disrupt restful sleep is sleep apnea. Sleep apnea can be a serious condition that negatively impacts overall health. If left untreated, it can even shorten life expectancy. This disorder is …

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Rest Assured: Don’t Snooze and Lose—Snooze and Win

By Dr. Maria Swetech

good sleep

Prioritize sleep in one’s life is essential, as it plays a crucial role in immune function, metabolism, emotional regulation, focus, heart health, and many other aspects of well-being. As a family medicine physician, I work closely with my patients to help them achieve both adequate and restorative sleep.There are many health conditions or sleep dysfunctions …

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Hyperlipidemia Management

By Dr. Maria Swetech

hyperlipidemia management

Hyperlipidemia is a medical term that refers to abnormally elevated levels of lipids (fats) in the blood. While fats are essential for various bodily functions, abnormal lipid levels can significantly increase the risk of several serious health conditions. Hyperlipidemia can lead to the formation of plaques on the inside of blood vessels, which in turn …

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Common Chronic Heart Conditions Explained

By Dr. Maria Swetech

Common chronic heart conditions

Disruptions in the heart’s structure or function can lead to conditions like heart disease, heart failure, arrhythmias, and valve disorders. These issues can arise from health factors, lifestyle choices, or genetics, and addressing them early is key to preventing complications and maintaining heart health.

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Illnesses That Can Make Asthma Worse

By Dr. Maria Swetech

Illnesses That Can Make Asthma Worse

Getting sick can be a drag, but it can cause especially serious health problems for people with asthma. Some infections can trigger the hallmark symptoms of asthma, like wheezing and coughing. Recognizing respiratory complications right away and swiftly seeking medical care for support can be critical to cutting flare-ups short and reducing health complications.

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Dr. Maria Swetech Breaks Down Chronic Migraine Headaches

By Dr. Maria Swetech

chronic migraine

Migraine headaches are neurologic conditions that may present with a wide range of symptoms, and in family medicine, we frequently care for patients who struggle with chronic migraine headaches.  The symptoms associated with migraines can vary in intensity and in some cases can be debilitating.    Sufferers of migraines may sometimes miss out time with family/friends, …

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