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Common Chronic Heart Conditions Explained

By Dr. Maria Swetech

Disruptions in the heart’s structure or function can lead to conditions like heart disease, heart failure, arrhythmias, and valve disorders. These issues can arise from health factors, lifestyle choices, or genetics, and addressing them early is key to preventing complications and maintaining heart health.

common chronic heart conditions
  • Coronary artery disease: The heart is made up of muscle tissue and needs blood flow to itself to function correctly.  There are small blood vessels surrounding the heart that supply the heart tissue with blood needed to function correctly. When there is plaque built up in these blood vessels, it can lead to decreased size of the blood vessel lumen and that can potentially lead to compromise of blood flow to the heart itself.
  • Cardiomyopathies: diseases affecting the muscle of the heart. Can be related to genetics, autoimmune issues, and sometimes infections.
  • Arrhythmias: when the rhythm of the heart deviates from normalcy. Some arrhythmias can be dangerous and can increase risks of heath issues like strokes.
  • Valvular disease: different areas of the heart are separated by little valves promoting directional blood flow, but problems with valves can occur.
  • Heart failure: the pumping mechanism of the heart might not work effectively.

What Can be Done to Promote Good Heart health?

Heart health is vital to overall well-being, making it important to prioritize year-round. While some risk factors for heart conditions are beyond our control, many “modifiable risk factors” can be managed, changed, or reduced. By embracing proactive habits that address these factors, we can greatly enhance heart health.

Of course none of the information in our blogs is official medical advice, but by embracing proactive habits that address these factors, we can sometimes enhance heart health. Here are a few key strategies for promoting heart health:

  • Managing high blood pressure
  • Controling high cholesterol
  • Addressing obesity
  • Avoiding unhealthy habits, such as smoking
  • Limiting alcohol consumption
  • Managing diabetes
  • Staying active physically
  • Reducing stress
  • Maintaining a healthy, balanced diet

Let’s collaborate to explore effective strategies for achieving optimal heart health and learn more about chronic heart disease. Together, we can develop a personalized plan to keep you healthy. Schedule an appointment with me, Dr. Maria Swetech, at our Clinton Township office.

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